You have no idea how hard I’ve looked for a gift to bring You. Nothing seemed right.
What’s the point of bringing gold to the gold mine, or water to the ocean.
Everything I came up with was like taking spices to the Orient.
It’s no good giving my heart and my soul because you already have these.

So I’ve brought you a mirror.
~ Rumi

What is Coaching?

Coaching is formally a vocational discipline that allows the coach and client to engage in a process of self- discovery, overcoming long-held limiting beliefs, healing the inner wounds, and promoting patterns, choices and behaviours that unleash the client’s true potential to lead a fulfilled and actualised life.

What to Expect?

Coaching is the craft of slowing down the pace of thoughts and actions and creating spaciousness for reflection, contemplation, questioning, accepting, and decision making. In today’s task and goal-driven world, the need for a coaching space cannot be overstated. Given the never-ending demands of modern life and the relentless pursuit of perfection and ‘more’, there is a strong tendency to numb out the inner voices of pain, fear, excitement, hope etc.; however, a sincere understanding of these inner voices is the only true way to accomplish everything on the outside.

“As Within, So Without, As Above, So Below!” – Rumi

In the space of coaching, the client(s) and coach, enter a partnership to learn about the client’s values, needs, desires, emotions, motivations, vision, and story, and work at all levels of consciousness – material, physical, emotional, and spiritual. A skilled coach organically leverages multiple conversational tools, informed by psychology, counselling, organisational development, and spirituality, to bring forth an unprecedented level of healing, awareness, and intentionality in the client.

Shradha Puri

Shradha Puri is a trained and certified Life and Performance Coach. An Essentialist at heart, she finds significant worth in ‘doing more by doing less’.
The core of her being is devoted to creating value through connection and contribution. She has nurtured these inherent values and mastered tools to steer teams and individuals towards self-realisation through gentle nudging, open communication, and empowering engagement.
She considers coaching a ‘journey of healing’ which starts from ‘unbecoming’ and ends at ‘being’.
She has spent several years acquiring knowledge of various philosophies, counselling methodologies, behaviour change and performance enhancement protocols, and coaching models, and truly believes in the potency of genuine curiosity, active listening, empathy, self-leadership, acceptance, and relational practice in breaking barriers to love, growth, and abundance.
She acknowledges that it requires deep work from the coach and client, but believes that the process is the ‘gold’ as it not only determines the outcome, but, often, is the true outcome of coaching.

Rakhi Shaha

Rakhi Shaha brings over two decades of corporate experience to her role as a management consultant and performance coach. With a robust background as a multifaceted HR professional and strategic partner, Rakhi has championed people strategies that drive sustainable business performance and growth.
Driven by a passion for nurturing talent and facilitating transformative change, Rakhi now heads GyroHR, a consulting firm dedicated to crafting bespoke people and performance strategies for mid-size organizations in India. Holding a master’s degree in human resources management and armed with specialized training as a transformation coach, Rakhi is recognized as a distinguished Engagement Expert within her field.

Coaching Philosophy:

As a coach, Rakhi embodies the role of your greatest supporter, accountability partner, and trusted confidante. She believes in providing a safe, non-judgmental space where individuals can freely express their thoughts and emotions. With Rakhi, clients embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, uncovering hidden insights and breaking through mental barriers to soar to new heights of success.


With our coaches at your side, unlock your full potential, and embark on a transformative journey towards personal and professional excellence. Let’s embark on this journey together and pave the way for your success!

Lets Talk

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